In a decision that was closely followed by citizens and local press, the Warren County Board of Supervisors voted on Monday, December 8, 2014 to become a member of the Mississippi Association of Supervisors Insurance Trust (MASIT). For the full story from the Vicksburg Post, follow the link below.
Budget Recommendation Highlights
Actual Budget Recommendations
Find this information at
or read below.
As Congress returns after the elections, counties are calling on Congress to immediately address PILT funding during the lame duck session. Today, the National Association of Counties (NACo) issued a press statement calling on Congress fund PILT.
Recap of Current Status
Dates for MAS - PDDs Fall Legislative Meetings are listed below or you can download a copy here.
Tuesday, November 4, 2014:
9:00 am-Central MS PDD, Central MS PDD Office, 1170 Lakeland Drive, Jackson
3:00 pm-East Central PDD, East Center PDD Office, 280 Commercial Drive, Newton
Wednesday, November 5, 2014:
9:00 am-Southwest MS PDD, Southwest MS PDD Office, 2265 Hwy. 84 East, Meadville
The Secretary of State's Office has announce the launch of online filing for businesses in MIssissippi.
Click here to find a brief message from Secretary of State Delbert Hoseman concerning this new cost saving method.
National policy issues that were discussed at the recent NACo Conference and are of importance to Mississippi counties:
Mississippi Residents Save Nearly $7 million on Prescriptions with Free Discount Program
July 2, 2014 – Jackson, MS – MAS, Mississippi’s Association of Supervisors, and the Coast2Coast Rx program have saved residents $6,924,211.83 million on their prescriptions with the Coast2Coast Rx card, a free discount prescription initiative.
Officers for the 2014-2015 year were named at the Annual Summer Conference held in Biloxi, June 16-19.
Joe Andy Helton, Leake County Supervisor, President
Eddie Dixon, Marshall County Supervisor, 1st Vice President
Connie Rockco, Harrison County Supervisor, 2nd Vice President
Peggy Calhoun, Hinds County, 3rd Vice President