Check out on video from the 2014 MAS Conference. Go to the Education&Training Button on the website home page or follow this link
The Madison County Board of Supervisors recently voted to join the Mississippi Association of Supervisors Insurance Trust (MASIT). On a vote of 4-0, the Board voted to go with the MASIT Pool and save $50,000 a year. For the complete story go to the Madison County Journal online edition.
Statewide building code welcomed, but some jurisdictions may opt out
With permission from the Mississippi Business Journal, June 6, 2014 issue.
The Mississippi Association of Supervisors opposes the proposed rule change to the Clean Water Act; Definitions: Water of The United States.
For a list of all 2014 MAS Scholarship recipients click here.
The Mississippi Association of Supervisors (MAS) has a history of supporting higher education through the awarding of scholarships to Mississippi community and junior college scholarships. The program has been alive for over 10 years and was recently revamped with an increased donation that will allow even more students to reap the benefits and further their educations.
MDEQ Offers Debris Guidance
HHW Collection Events to Be Held in Lee and Winston Counties Next Week
It’s the season for severe storms, including tornadoes. Please make sure that your emergency plans are up to date. The State Auditor’s Emergency Accountability Plan for local governments is online at This document provides information on emergency management and fiscal management, including emergency purchasing.
The Mississippi Legislature Performance Evaluation and Expenditure Review (PEER) has issued a report on 911 Funding in Mississippi Counties.
A review of the funding and expenditures of emergency communications districts of selected Mississippi Counties may be found here, Executive Summary.
A copy of the full report may be found here, Full Report.